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Christian's Blog
About me
New role: Ansible SSA
Labs consolidated
Running an Ansible Tower Job from a Button
Mini Series on Ansible Buttons in CloudForms 4.6
CloudForms labs at Red Hat Summit
How to delete an obsolete Appliance
Enforce SELinux Compliance Policy with Ansible
CRUD for Custom Attributes in CloudForms or ManageIQ
Retrieve MAC Address from SCVMM
Continuous Integration with CloudForms or ManageIQ
SELinux Compliance Policy
Custom Smart State Analysis Profiles
Best Practice recommendations for Automate
SmartProxy Affinity
ManageIQ vs CloudForms - what's the difference
Call a script from a Control Policy
Bye Bye Flash
How to setup a PostgreSQL database for ManageIQ and CloudForms
Using Tags for access control
Create Cobbler PXE/TFTP Records during VM Provisioning
Add an additional network interface on RHEV virtual machines
Add an additional disk on RHEV virtual machines
Orchestrating OpenShift Enterprise with ManageIQ
How to provision Azure workloads with CloudForms
Memory errors when provisioning VM from template in RHEV
Create Snapshots for a Service in OpenStack
Create Snapshots in OpenStack
Execute commands with RbVmomi
Sharing information between service catalog items
The definite guide to CloudForms and ManageIQ
Install all available updates via Satellite 6
Manage VM snapshots in RHEV/oVirt with ManageIQ
Check provisioning state in ManageIQ with Foreman
Delete VM from Foreman during retirement
How to provision VMs with Foreman and ManageIQ
Preserve data in ManageIQ state machines
How to use CloudInit in CloudForms or ManageIQ
External authentication in ManageIQ